Charles A. Ward

Better known as “Chuck,” the president and founder of Ward Financial Resources has been faithfully serving residents of the Tri-State region since 1972. His work ethic has been around even longer – as a student at the University of Cincinnati, he participated in their cooperative education (co-op) program, alternating between the classroom and various jobs from quarter to quarter. He also worked various part-time jobs while in school, paying his own way to not one, but two degrees Industrial Management and Marketing). Chuck estimates that he had already held 68 jobs by the time he entered the financial services industry.
Upon opening the doors of Ward Financial, Chuck’s hard work shifted from bettering himself to going above and beyond for his community, treating anyone who enters his homey office like family. He specializes in helping his clients better prepare for their retirement years by helping find retirement income solutions that fit their needs. Chuck knows he’s not just helping his clients, but his community – his neighbors – every day he goes to work. It’s a responsibility that he does not take lightly – his success depends on that of his clients, and their needs and goals always take priority. Nothing is more important to him than helping to ensure that every client has a chance at the retirement they deserve, and Chuck has helped guide hundreds of people in the Tri-State area towards their retirement goals. Simply put – he loves his clients, and they love him right back.
How much does he love what he does, and the clients he does it for? Not once, but twice, Fortune 500 companies tried to woo him away early in his career. He turned both of them down, and that was before he had built up his business. The easy road did not hold any interest for him then, and he still enjoys his work too much now to think of retiring any time soon. His results speak for themselves – he has been a member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) for over 36 years, and a member of MDRT’s Top of the Table for the past 17 years. One of his bucket list goals is to help mentor other financial professionals in MDRT who need a lift.
Though Chuck lives three miles from our office and spends much of his life here, he still finds plenty of time to enjoy life with his wife of over 40 years, Liz. They have three children, and Chuck is blessed to have two of them working with him. He is active in his community and is regularly involved in his church and local charities. There’s not much that Chuck doesn’t like to do. He loves to laugh, play golf and tennis, watch football (especially his Bearcats and the Big Ten), and spend time at the beach whenever possible. He’s one of the most well-informed people you’ll ever meet as he reads three newspapers a day – the benefit of being a speed reader. Music is also a passion of his – playing it, singing and dancing. In fact, he’s never been out-danced – stop by the office and challenge him to a dance-off. He’ll drop what he’s doing and take you on!